👋 Hello, I am

Veranika Los

Front-end developer, based in Poland

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Image of coffee project website

Coffee project

In this project, I explored the world of coffee brewing methods while honing my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I learned how to create an HTML page, style it using CSS, and target specific design elements. With JavaScript, I animated elements to enhance the user experience. Along the way, I became familiar with popular coding technologies such as Visual Studio Code. This project allowed me to combine my passion for coffee with newfound programming abilities.

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Weather app project

In this project, I delved into advanced front-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, to create a weather web application with a responsive design. By mastering advanced JavaScript techniques (ES6), I developed an interactive application that responded to user input. Additionally, I gained hands-on experience integrating live APIs, allowing me to build real-time applications. Throughout the project, I learned how to utilize Git and GitHub, adopting a professional development workflow for efficient code management.

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Image of weather app project website
Image of world clock app project website

World Clock App Project

In this project, I delved into the creation of a world clock web application. By utilizing JavaScript, I unlocked advanced elements like date formats, external libraries, and timing events. This expanded my skills in handling times and dates within coding. Additionally, I enhanced user interaction by working with input types and implementing dropdown lists using the select element. Through this project, I gained valuable experience in building a practical and functional application.

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